Federation of Dersim Communities in Europe – FDG
In 2006, several associations in Germany and in some other European countries got together and founded the Federation of Dersim Communities in Europe (FDG). Das Ziel dieser Föderation ist auch die kulturellen Aktivitäten dieser Vereine und die Integration der Dersimer in Europa zu fördern und die Solidaritätsarbeit mit Dersim zu koordinieren. Topics are the nature, the culture and the memories of Dersim people.
We are the umbrella organization of Dersim associations in Europe. We represent the Kırmanc / Zaza Alevis. Around 250,000 – 300,000 people live in Europe who feel they belong to this culture.
The tasks of our associations are for example.
- Advice in social matters, dealing with authorities.
- Qualification for better educational opportunities in immigrant family, seniors, women and youth.
- Networking with other immigrants, organizations and association representatives
- Every year in May, the FDG organizes a large event to commemorate the TERTELE 37/38 (genocide against the Dersim).
- Maintaining the traditional festivals of the Dersim in Europe. Among others, the Gagan Festival, Xeylas Festival but also the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice.
- Language teaching, Zaza – language teaching.
- Dance, music and folklore groups and youth groups.
You can also find our goals and areas of activity in our articles of association.
Satzung der FDG.pdf

Contact details of FDG

Föderation der Dersim Gemeinden in Europa e.V.
Waterlooufer 7
10961 Berlin
Email: fdg.europa@gmail.com
Web: http://dersim-fdg.com
Our Communitys

Dersimer Kultur Gemeinde Berlin e.V.
Waterlooufer 7
10961 Berlin
Tel: 030 612 83 113
Email: dersimberlin@gmail.com
Web: http://dersimkulturdernegi.com/

Dersim Gemeinde Köln e.V.
Bleichstr. 1
51063 Köln
Email: dgk@dersimweb.de
Web: dersimweb.de

Dersim Gemeinde Westfalen e. V.
Beuthstr. 21
44147 Dortmund
Tel: 0176 27 27 0182

Zaza Kulturhaus e.V. Mannheim /
Bonê Kulturê Ma e.V
C/o Ali Haydar Varul
Schwetzinger Str. 89
68124 Heidelberg
E- Mail: varuldiyar@hotmail.de
Tel: 0176 23 8022 80
You have a better translation?
Help us to make the site available in German, Turkish, English and Zaza. Send us an email with your suggestions for improvement.